Polish Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors is a non-profit organization based in Poland, which is developing an international project promoting Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors, launched in 2009 by the European Commission.
We promote ladies who successfully run their own companies and can be an example and inspiration for others according the motto "The success can be yours – be an example for others".
We develop a platform that will facilitate the cooperation of entrepreneurial women in Poland and in various countries around the world.
The founder of the "Polish Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors" Foundation is Urszula Ciołeszyńska, who decided to transfer good examples from abroad to Poland.
Explanation: Urszula Ciołeszyńska was appointed in 2008 as the Goodwill Ambassador of Lions Clubs International, in 2009 as the Ambassador of the European Network of Femal Entrepreneurship Ambassadors. Since 2015 as the Poland’s Ambassador of Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, she is a member of the international Women’s Entrepreneurship Day World Ambassadors team.
The Polish Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors is based on the European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors and brings together women who are successful in running their companies and engaging in non-business social activities.
The Polish Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors promotes ladies who operate in a variety of industries throughout the country and abroad, their companies are of various sizes, have different professional experience and are of different ages.
The mission of the Women Entrepreneurship Ambassador in Poland is to serve her own example and to promote responsibility, business ethics and the culture of entrepreneurial thinking. We promote good practices according to our slogan "The success can be yours – be an example for others".
Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors selection criteria
Our goals
Further, I pledge:
The Polish Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors is also developing on the international arena - we invite people from outside Poland, granting titles of the Honorary Ambassador of the Polish Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors. We invite exceptional ladies who successfully run activities to support female entrepreneurship in various countries, awarding them a certificate and the title of Honorary Ambassador of the Polish Network of Women Entrepreneurial Ambassadors. The ceremonial handing of certificates to Honorary Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors took place three times as part of the European Congress of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Katowice, Poland.
The mission of the Honorary Ambassador is to serve her own example and to promote entrepreneurship among women, to share good practices in our countries and to support women who run their own businesses and develop their activities on international markets.